Tuesday 15 May 2012

Electric cars as an alternative to expensive fuel

Electric cars as an alternative to expensive fuel

Electric vehicles generally have a shorter range than those powered by natural gas, but it proved to be excellent and appropriate solution for people who daily take several shorter routes. Electric cars in combination with internal combustion engines to turn the right choice for the long haul.

Due to the rapid re-price increases of oil and diesel, the residents around the world seeking to lower taxes on oil and tax breaks for people who daily have to travel by car, but are increasingly turning to alternative and cheaper fuel types. 

Among them are natural gas and electricity. The German E.ON for many years advocating for alternative drive systems in vehicles. If we consider only the consumption of vehicles to natural gas or electricity allows users to cross the same distance 50% cheaper compared to using gasoline. So we come to the data path to a 100 kilometer natural gas using cost about 4.5 euros to 4 euros if it is a source of energy we use electricity. 

To ease the transition to E.ON in the 2011th offering packages of e-mobility, which includes the charging unit, intelligent meters and electricity from hydropower.Besides E.ON offers rent-and iOn Peugeot, electric cars with range of 150 kilometers, and which can be purchased at E.ON 's partner and Sixt. 

The E.ON will continue to occur to expand the offer of public filling stations and filling stations, and now run with 80 of about 900 filling stations for natural gas throughout Germany. In the area around Munich, E.ON has installed a number of public charging stations for electric cars as part of a pilot project. On the A8 motorway between Munich and Salzburg is set and the first "fast" charging stations for electric cars that can fully charge the battery in just half an hour. 


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