Tuesday 22 May 2012

British car makers are gaining speed after the recession, but even in 2014 they did not reach the level of production in 2008 of quantity.

British car makers are gaining speed after the recession in their industry and will produce approximately 50% more cars per year for 5 years. However, the prevalence of depression among British companies owned by foreigners - with closed factories for months last year - means that even by 2014, car manufacturers in Britain did not reach the level of production in 2008 of quantity. This was written in The Times Online.
According to an analysis of the future of the European automotive industry, met a group of SMMT, the production of cars and vans in the UK this year will increase by 25% - to 1.34 million British manufacturing in the past, the worst year since then, as the cars began to mass produce in the United Kingdom reached only 1.07 million vehicles. By assumption, SMMT, with the release of Britain out of recession and the auto industry to increase - up to 1.57 million cars in 2014 (in 2008 they released 1.61 million, and in 2007 - 1.71 million).


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